Klinische RFT Literatuur
Barnes-Holmes, Y., McEnteggart, C., & Barnes-Holmes, D. (2020). Recent Conceptual and Empirical Advances in RFT: Implications for Developing Process-Based Assessments and Interventions for Human Psychological Suffering. In Levin, M. E., Twohig, P., & Krafft, J. (Eds.). Innovations in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. New Harbinger: Oakland, CA.
Barnes-Holmes, D., Barnes-Holmes, Y., & McEnteggart, C. (in press). Learning, Language, and Derived Behaviors: Some Implications for a Process-based Approach to Psychological Suffering. In Hayes, S. C. & Hoffman, S. (Eds.). Beyond the DSM : Toward a Process-Based Alternative for Diagnosis and Mental Health Treatment. New Harbinger: Oakland, CA.
Barnes-Holmes, D., Barnes-Holmes, Y., McEnteggart, C., & Harte, C. (in press). Back to the Future with an Up-dated Version of RFT: More Field than Frame? Brazilian Journal of Behavior Analysis.
Barnes-Holmes, D., Barnes-Holmes, Y., & McEnteggart, C. (in press). Updating RFT (more field than frame) and its implications for process-based therapy. The Psychological Record.
Barnes-Holmes, D. (2018). The Double Edged Sword of Human Language and Cognition: Shall We Be Olympians or Fallen Angels? Blog post for ABAI.
Barnes-Holmes, Y., Barnes-Holmes, D., & McEnteggart, C. (2018). Narrative: Its importance in modern behavior analysis and therapy. Perspectives on Behavioral Science (Special Issue on Narrative), 41(2), 509-516.
Barnes-Holmes, Y., Boorman, J., Oliver, J. E., Thompson, M., McEnteggart, C., & Coulter, C. (2018). Using conceptual developments in RFT to direct case formulation and clinical intervention: Two case summaries. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science (Special Section on “Conceptual Developments in Relational Frame Theory: Research and Practice”), 7, 89-96.
McEnteggart, C. (2018). A Brief Tutorial on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy as Seen through the Lens of Derived Stimulus Relations. Perspectives on Behavioral Science (Special Issue on Derived Relations), 41(1), 215-227.
Barnes-Holmes, Y., Barnes-Holmes, D., & McEnteggart, C. (in press). Relational Frame Theory: Description, evidence, and clinical applications. In P. Lucena dos Santos, S. Carvalho, J. Pinto Gouveia, M. da Silva Oliveira, & J. Pistorello, (Eds). International ACT practical handbook. TBC: Reno, NV.
Barnes-Holmes, Y., Hussey, I., McEnteggart, C., Barnes-Holmes, D.,& Foody, M. (2016). Scientific ambition: The relationship between relational frame theory and middle-level terms in acceptance and commitment therapy. In R. D. Zettle, S. C. Hayes, D. Barnes-Holmes, & A. Biglan (Eds), The Wiley handbook of contextual behavioral science (pp. 365-882), West Sussex, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.
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ACT literatuur
Hayes, S. C., Strosahl, K. D., & Wilson, K. G. (2011). Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Second Edition: The Process and Practice of Mindful Change. New York, NY: The Guilford Press.
A-Tjak (Ed.) (2015). Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. Theorie en praktijk. Houten: Bohn Stafleu Van Loghum.
Walser, R. D., O’Connell, M., Coulter, C. (2019) The Heart of ACT: Developing a Flexible, Process-Based, and Client-Centered Practice Using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. Context Press
Jansen, G. & Batink, T. (2014) Time to ACT! Het Basisboek voor Professionals. Thema.
Voor meer boeken en artikelen over ACT zie https://contextualscience.org/publications